Protons and electrons electrical constitution; acclivity and declivity (4.10)
Now let’s focus on the electrical property of a subatomic particle as introduced in figure 4.1.6.
Proton electron density graph
The proton graded activity is labeled acclivity that of the electron declivity.
The top part of figure 4.10 is an exact reproduction of the top half of the figure 4.1.6. It represents the distribution of MOs and MQs, the density graph below is a plot of the density of motion-occurrences.

On that density graph the proton and electron acclivity and declivity are represented with lines coinciding to their respective distribution. Both scales are referred in terms of "motion-occurrences". The vertical dimension of this specific density graph coincides to the "density" of MQs and MOs. The horizontal line is not an axis, and does not have "0" ordinate.
In gravimotion the number "0" doesn’t exist.
The horizontal line in figure 4.10 represents a density level that of pure-activity.
And as in figure 4.1.6 radial-activity is not represented in this graph.
In particle physics the electron is a point particle and has no size, yet it is an electric charge that creates an electric field in its surrounding.
In gravimotion protons as well as electrons have finite physical sizes and physical consistencies, both made of graded density of motion.
Furthermore that graded activity represents both physics point particle (the electric charge) and physics surrounding electric field.

While gravimotion’s graded-activity replaces both physics’ electric charge and field, another major point must be mentioned! Whereas in physics positive and negative charges are referred to "0" that is to nothing, gravimotion’s graded activity is referred to something that is pure-activity! In addition physics terminology positive and negative charge leaves the physical implementation of these charges to our imagination. In gravimotion they become tangible through heap and deficiency of activity!
As mentioned in section §4.3, a consequence of gravimotion’s interpretation of subatomic particles is that radial-activity (physics' gravitation field) originates from pure-activity and not from mass.

Now graded-activity (physics' electric field) also originates from pure-activity and not from an electric charge.
There is no need for electric charge in gravimotion!
That is a drastic departure from physics, as a particle in gravimotion, whether proton or electron has no mass and no electric charge!
A particle is occurring as intertwined radial and graded activities.
While unifying charge and field is good, physics hypothetical quarks are not even mentioned in gravimotion. Gravimotion, which is in its infancy, may be superficial, but it is unified!