Entropy is not!

The conservation of energy law
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Maxwell Was a Genius!
The Entropy law
Entropy and the Quantum Theory
Gravimotion's point of view

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is Physics' Teaching

In physics heat is a degraded form of energy

Because heat always flows from hot bodies to cold and never revert from cold to hot, Sadi Carnot in 1824 declared that a loss of temperature or the transfer of heat is a degradation of energy.

Apparition of the entropy concept.

A few years after Sadi Carnot declaration, and based on his idea of energy degradation, Rudolph Clausius invented the concept of entropy.

Entropy definition

Rudolph Clausius stated that the entropy of a system increases while its energy degrades.

On this side is gravimotion's point of view.
A view of physics at a different angle.

Is a transfer of heat a degradation or an equalization?

During a heat transfer actually two things occur simultaneously: one side loses temperature, as emphasized in physics, while the other gains as much temperature.
A more balanced analysis consists in considering both occurrences of decrease and increase of temperatures and to state that equalization rather than degradation occurs.
The equalization phenomenon is part of the GRAVIMOTION interpretation of Nature, the intention of which is not to compete with physics science but to interprete physics equations in a way that makes sense.

A transfer of heat is above all an effect or a compounded phenomenon

In any case, that is whether it is called degradation or equalization, because it involves a hot and a cold body, a transfer of heat is the effect of a complex situation; it involves a great number of molecules moving in all directions and speeds; that is not a fundamental phenomenon but a compounded phenomenon that is physically dependent on physical parameters such as the various bodies and temperatures involved.

Physics entropy is not a fundamental cause!

Derived from temperature transfer, which is a compounded phenomenon, the concept of entropy (within our human thoughts) coincides to an effect (in reality or outside our thinking process).
Because an effect cannot explain its cause, it implies specifically that entropy cannot be used in reverse to explain its own cause, the phenomenon of temperature transfer, let alone to explain the physical phenomenon of temperature, which is the cause of temperature transfer!

This page SUMMARY:

Entropy is a concept that is an idea that exists in our human minds only.
Entropy is not a physical phenomenon that would exist in reality; there is no physical instrument to measure entropy.

At the origin of this abstract concept of entropy is degradation of energy that is the effect of a complex situation or a compounded phenomenon.
An effect cannot be used backward to explain its own cause! In this case entropy cannot be used backward to explain the phenomenon of heat transfer, let alone to explain the details of the primary cause (temperature) behind that transfer.
In short entropy is not the fundamental cause that produces heat transfer.

Besides being an idea only (a human concept without phyical collateral) entropy is not a fundamental phenomenon; entropy is an effect rather than a cause.

In spite of these 2 major hindrances that are first not being a physical entity, and then an effect useless at getting at the bottom of things, we will see later in this essay how entropy becomes nevertheless a major "law of nature" in physics and is furthermore used as foundation for the quantum theory!

But first, next page, let us encounter Maxwell who might well be the greatest of all physicists...
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Who are we to claim that that entropy idea of ours is ruling the physical world?
For a full treatise on that interpretation of Nature that is gravimotion, click:

A Glance at the Infinite Present

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