Subjacent motions dislodge the state of rest (§1.9)
Subjacent motions (§1.9.1)
The state of rest is defined with respect to a reference, to the ground for instance. An interesting observation is you do not see the motion of earth while at rest reading this text.
Seeing the sun moving across the sky during the day, doesn't entice us human beings to think the earth instead is moving around the sun; and it took us a long time to discover that is the case.
And for millenniums we thought the stars in the firmament were fixed, up until the 1920's when an astronomer named Hubble discovered that was not the case.
The hidden motions that are behind physics definition of rest are labeled subjacent motions in gravimotion; and these motions furthermore abolish that concept of rest of ours.
Each subjacent motion is embedded within another subjacent motion. For an object on earth the successive subjacent motions are listed below starting with the embedded motion #7:
7. Earth’s daily spin on itself.
6. Earth’s yearly revolution around the sun.
5. The motion of our Solar system within our Milky-Way galaxy.
4. The spinning of our galaxy.
3. The overall motion of our galaxy.
2. ... there is here a missing link ..., which is filled-in later in this treatise.
1. Finally at the bottom of the stack is the motion, which is the very constitution of the present or the present mo(ve)ment as hinted in this treatise title; it is defined in D below and precisely modeled later in this treatise.

And for an object at, quote rest on earth, these subjacent motions are not negligible.
The circumference of earth is 24,901 miles; at the equator the motion of a human due to the daily rotation of earth on itself is 24,901/24 or 1,037 miles per hour!
A similar calculation provides the speed of earth moving around the sun; it is about 67,000 miles per hour!
This number is again greatly inflated by the motion of the solar system within our galaxy, and on and on.

As such the concepts of rest and position, which are linked, are both denied in gravimotion; both concepts of rest and position not being real entities (not physical) are not honored in gravimotion.
That is partly the case in physics too; the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, forbids the state of rest at very low scales, in physics.
Yet that is "only" partly the case in physics, as Newton's first law (§1.1), which defines rest along the concept of inertia, remains at the base of all of physics!

Only motion is honored in gravimotion, and motion is considered to be the physical vector of change.
The present moment (item above) basic constitution is motion quanta (§1.9.2)
Here are a few comments of the essence:
  1. The subjacent motions occur within each other. Each embedded motion being neatly stacked within another motion at the image of Russian dolls.
  2. Any subjacent motion of the list is faster than the motion embedded within it.
  3. These 2 points A. and B. above are altogether their own cause and own effect! Should a motion be faster than any of its subjacent motions, it could outrun and escape that subjacent motion. The stack is self-maintained.
    And it is self maintained in motion; that is in both our concepts of time and space; Earth's spin occurs in less time and in less volume of space than Earth's circumvolution around the sun.
  4. The motion at the bottom of the stack, should there be any bottom, has to be the fastest and as such occurs as motion-quanta’s in gravimotion.
  5. All these subjacent motions starting with the quanta’s are part-of and occur under the present mo(ve)ment.
  6. Nature allows us to break free, from any subjacent motion; but only to find ourselves in the next or underlying subjacent and faster motion!
  7. The list above is incomplete; the missing link #2 in rank will be filled-in in a subsequent chapter, when more information about gravitation is available to us.
    And you will find very detailed models of both items #2 and #1 later in this treatise.
  8. Real physical motions that are the motions #7 down to #1 above, take the place of Einstein references systems, while, as shown next page, relativity's mathematics remain in force.
All motions are derivative of the fastest motion or motion quanta (§1.9.3)
Let’s consider a motion-occurrence (MO), coinciding to your own walking on Earth MOwalking, which is constituted of your walking but also of your subjacent motions MOwalking = MOyour legs' motion proper + MOsubjacents; going down the chain of subjacent motions, at the bottom limit, the whole MOwalking occurs as a composition of motion quanta MQ; the MQs having much more thrust than any MO.

Reversing the chain of command, it ensues that, in gravimotion interpretation of Nature, compounding faster motions is producing slower motions.
All motions result from the compounding of the fastest motion MQ and all motions are slower than MQ.
That is the opposite of physics concept of relativity, in which adding a speed to another produces a greater speed.
And that departs from physics in general in which motion results from force, and not from a greater motion.

Find out in the next section (§1.10) how these motions are not merely embedded within each other but also do interfere with each other; an interaction discovered by Einstein who demonstrated mathematically there is a rigorous dependency.
You will also find out about one of my most startling discovery: the physical phenomenon behind Einstein relativity.