Motion-occurrences render physical, yet transcend, our human interpretation of Nature (§1.13)
Suppose a bird happens to fly by you; two different interpretations of the bird's flight can be made.
  1. In science interpretation you can measure the bird's speed, or its successive positions as a function of successive times.
  2. In gravimotion interpretation, you see the bird's motion occurrence.
The difference: Seeing a motion occurrence mandates that things do not occur in successive independent times as measured in physics, but that the present moment stretches and is finite. Instead of living at successive instants in time, you the bird and I are sharing a finite moment commonly called the present and which is renamed present mo(ve)ment in gravimotion.

That present mo(ve)ment is a global term for a multitude of present mo(ve)ments, which are presently occurring.
The present mo(ve)ment, which renews itself indefinitely, dislodges (in gravimotion) our human concepts of present moment and universe. Note that these present mo(ve)ments were already introduced in §1.9 as motion-quanta. The distinction is that these present mo(ve)ments now also include the motion of your eyes and the motion of the bird.

The bird's motion flight and the motion of your eyes observing it are motion occurrences that are finite and transient; yet integral part of the present mo(ve)ment which on the other hand is renewing itself indefinitely along the present.

Hence the title of this treatise: A Glance at the Infinite Present.

The present made of motion is altogether finite and infinite.
Motion in the real world unifies the finite and the infinite, 2 mental concepts that are obviously 2 constructs of our human mental world! The finite and the infinite are constructs of our human minds because in our minds they are incompatible, whereas in reality they make one.
The reality of motion transcends our human idea of reality, unifying finite and infinite it transcends our interpretation of Nature.
Motion occurrence in physics and in gravimotion (§1.14)
In physics there is space and time or space-time; and motion, in order to occur, is subordinate to space and time.
In addition, accelerated motion is due to force, either electromagnetic of gravitational force.
And uniform motion, a non accelerated motion, is due to a previous acceleration or force.
Motion, which is secondary to space-time, fields, and forces, is always an effect in physics and never a cause.
Because forces (the cause) are fundamental in physics and in our minds, motion (the effect of force) can only be elusive in our human minds.

It is quite different in gravimotion.
In gravimotion motion is physical and in control; motion is not the effect of something; motion is not elusive!
As shown later in this essay, motion (instead of occurring within space and time) embodies Einstein's space-time.
As already mentioned
Subject §1.1 recollection:
Motion occurs, and motion is self-sufficient.
Here is Newton’s first law traditionally called the inertia law:
Any object at rest or in uniform motion remains at rest or in uniform motion as long as no force is applied.

By tradition it is the object's inertia that maintains its uniform motion; yet inertia, which cannot be measured, and which has never been assigned a unit of measure, is not a physical entity.
Inertia which is fictitious is simply not the cause of uniform motion.

Unless one denies its occurrence, uniform motion is compelled to occur by itself.
In the real world uniform motion occurs and is self-sufficient!
Abstract of subject:
Light is proof that motion occurs independently of matter, is self-sufficient and furthermore physical (§1.2)
Because it has no mass and because it is moving from our Sun to Earth through no material object, light is pure motion!
Light is no doubt an embodiment of motion.
uniform motion is self-sufficient; motion occurs from within itself.
And also as shown later, accelerated and decelerated motions occur as by products or combinations of motion-quanta (or MQs), which are uniform motions.