Page first posted on internet May 27 2012 and registered to the United States Copyright Office (TXu 1-891-628) on Nov 19 2013.

Motion overlap and interaction (§1.10)
Motion interaction for physics «time» dilation (§1.10.1)
Einstein was a genius! He discovered and explained mathematically that time is not universal; clocks do not run at the same rate everywhere; the time given by a clock is altered by its motion. Bring mouse pointer here:
conventions reminder.
This internet site is about 2 different interpretations of physics' mathematics:
Everybody's interpretation, which is printed in blue color.
Gravimotion's interpretation printed in black.
The word «time» is in quotes when printed in black because «time» doesn't exist in gravimotion.
The alteration (either shortening or lengthening) of time with motion is called time dilation, it has been verified experimentally with atomic clocks sent flying around the globe.

Now here is an unheard-of, even though obvious, interpretation of Einstein's famous «time» dilation:
The inner motion mechanism of the clock and not "time", is altered by the overall motion of the clock.
The idea is that two distinct physical motions that are the internal clockwork motion and the motion of the plane do interact physically to produce what we human interpret as being "time"
There is also a gravity time dilation; a clock will run faster at the top of a building than on ground.
As such, have I been told, time dilation has nothing to do with motion.

Yet as we will see later, because gravity is motion in gravimotion, gravity «time» dilation is but a disguised form of «time» dilation.

I would not be surprised should you smile in mockery...
Whenever I expressed the idea in scientific forums and publications, it has been ridiculed when not rejected.
A professional physicist even told me bluntly: It is not the mechanism of the clock that is slowed down but time!
As a matter of fact no physicist ever mentioned it and that is not in treatises of physics either.
In spite of overwhelming denial, I still think a clock is nothing else than an internal clockwork motion mechanism, which is designed to run in sync with, or to mimick, earth daily spin motion; in my opinion "time" is but a fictitious idea derived from earth's rotational motion on itself that we project in our minds as being 24 hours and that we associate to physical clocks; and I continued my personal investigations as follows.
Here is physics' experiment summary:
1.  The time given by a clock on the ground is used as reference for time.
2.  The time given by a clock in motion in the plane, differs from the time given by the reference clock.
First I replace science's terminology time given by a clock by internal motion mechanism of a clock abbreviated internal motion in the following.
As shown next, yet in accordance with the theory, a clock subjacent motion alters negatively its internal clockwork motion mechanism.
  1. The experiment was done with a plane flying eastward, along the spinning motion of earth; it precisely matched Einstein calculations; the faster the plane the slower the time!
    And at speed of light, should a plane be able to reach it, Einstein's theory predicts, time would stop.
    I explain this as follows: the motion of the plane being subjacent to that of the clockwork, the motion of the plane is added-to (actually is integral part-of) the clockwork internal motion mechanism; should the plane get close to «speed» of light, the internal clockwork motion mechanism (which piggybacks the motion of the plane) would reach speed of light; and that is forbidden by the theory.
    Because its subjacent motion is close to speed of light, the clockwork has to freeze mechanically or stall physically, even if its mechanism is made of subatomic particles in resonance (case of atomic clocks).
    Again you will not find that explanation in treatises of physics! In physics, time (and not the clock's mechanism) stops at speed of light.
    By the way, the internal motion of a clock may stop for any unsuspected reason, we do not pay any attention to it; «time» nevertheless continues! It shows how forgiving is our scientific interpretation of the "time given by a clock", let alone our reasoning, when that suits us.
    Back to the point, our traditional human mental interpretation, along science theoretical relativistic interpretation, is that time (and not the clock mechanism) is running slower with increased speed.
    My interpretation is the faster a clock over all motion the slower its internal motion mechanism.
  2. Yet the experiment also included another plane flying westward against the spinning motion of earth. In this new situation the flying clock subjacent motion was slower than that of the reference clock.
    Science theoretical relativistic interpretation, is that time is running faster with decreased speed.
    My interpretation is that the slower a clock over all motion the faster its internal motion mechanism.
The point is that Einstein discovered and calculated precisely the effect subjacent motions have on embedded motions. Altogether leading to the idea that when 2 motions are overlapping they do interact.
Motion, in gravimotion, takes the place of our concept of «time» (§1.10.2)
Because Einstein proved scientifically that «time» depends on motion, «time» at most is a by product of motion!
In the end «time» is dislodged in favor of motion in gravimotion. And motion has a duration, paralleling our human concept of «time» duration such as the second or maybe the micro-second.
Our "concept of time" is but a projection, by our minds, of the daily rotation of Earth (we call 24 hours) or part of it (we call hour, minute, second etc.) onto all other motions.
Motion implements temperature in gravimotion, just as in physics (§1.10.3)
«Time» and «temperature» unified in motion
In a clock the rendering of «time» is not the only internal motion mechanism actually modified by the clock's external overall motion.
The very «temperature» of the clock mechanism, which occurs under the chaotic motion of the clock's atoms and molecules, is another yet different internal motion mechanism.
And when the overall external motion of a clock is reaching «speed» of light (or close to it), all of the clock's internal motions mechanisms whether it be the man-made clockwork motion mechanism but also now the chaotic motion of its atoms and molecules do actually freeze!
I have been told by a physicist that there is no such relation between temperature and "time" in the theory of relativity.
The beauty of gravimotion's interpretation of Nature is to link physically the external overall motion and the internal motion mechanisms; and so doing unifying, into one single behavioral phenomenon, temperature and "time".
«Time», «temperature» and life unified in motion (§1.10.4)
Do you know about the twin thought experiment?
One of two twins lands back on earth after a near light «speed» trip in space and ends up being «several years younger» than her twin who stayed on earth.
Physics interpretation, and in accordance with Einstein's time dilation, is evidently that that twin's time has been slowed down while traveling at high speed in space.
Through gravimotion's interpretation of Nature though, one infers that that near light «speed», called external motion in the above, slowed down the process of life; and by analogy to «time» and «temperature», «life» has to be another, yet furthermore different, occurrence of internal motion mechanism.
Life is an internal to a live body, motion mechanism; a motion mechanism not deciphered by human mind yet!
Motion on motion detailed interaction (§1.10.5)
While a clock is accelerated in a plane taking-of eastward, its clockwork is slowing down (decelerated). Once that flying clock reached a constant speed its clockwork is running at a rate slower than that of the reference clock on the ground, but at a constant rate. After a full revolution around the globe, when landing, the plane decelerates and the clockwork mechanism is accelerated back to the initial rate that of the reference clock.
The result is that the clock that flew eastward is now running at the same rate as the reference clock but is late with respect to it.

On the other hand, while a clock is in a plane that takes-of westward, its combined motion made of earth's spin and of the plane's engines amounts at a decelerated motion, its clockwork is accelerated. Once that flying clock reached a constant speed its clockwork is running faster than that of the reference clock on the ground, but at a constant rate. After a full revolution around the globe, when landing, the overall motion of the plane is now accelerating and the clockwork mechanism is decelerated back to the initial rate that of the reference clock.
The result is that the clock that flew westward is now running at the same rate as the reference clock but is ahead of it.

While in tune with science's experiments and mathematics, the above description of the phenomenon illustrates the importance of the subjacent motions, introduced in gravimotion's interpretation.
On how motion reality implements «motion relativity» (§1.10.6)
As explained next in more details, subjacent motions, in gravimotion, carry out science's relativity; a fact I discovered and first published on this page on 26 Oct 2013.
Here is Einstein favorite worded illustration of relativity: an onlooker on the embankment sees a train moving; yet a traveler in that train is looking out the window and is seeing the landscape moving.
In spite of Einstein eminence I dissent on that specific interpretation; evidently I do not deny Einstein's mathematics!
Einstein is confusing me; its worded presentation infers that the «motion» of the landscape, viewed from the train, is on par with the motion of the train; because these 2 «motions» are treated equally, should I believe Einstein words, the motion of the train would be as elusive as that of the landscape.
In actuality there is only one motion that of the train, the landscape is not moving; the traveler sees another appearance of that single motion; as such it is the observation of motion that is relative; at this point one may not assert that motion is relative, one does not know. The reality of motion of matter could be just as absolute as the motion of light is!
In the end, because Einstein's mathematics is true (verified experimentally), besides our human observations (as suggested by Einstein in person), there must be a physical phenomenon carrying out the physical slowing of a clock (§1.10.1 above), in the time dilation case; the clockwork mechanism very motion alteration is certainly involving a much more fundamental phenomenon than mere observation.
In short an unheard or ignored yet physical implementation is supplementing the theory of relativity.
Next is my own physical explanation of «motion so called relativity», explanation which as far as I know, has never been mentioned by a physicist.

It turns out that the easiest way to introduce that unheard-of implementation (the physical cause of relativity) is through my interpretation of «time» dilation that is through the running of the clockwork mechanism being altered by the motion of the plane.
To start with the «time given» by a clock depends on the manmade internal motion mechanism or its clockwork; proof of such dependency is that a clockwork motion mechanism can be slow or fast, depending on the manufacture and wear of its physical gears and its own internal source of motion.
I symbolize the essence of this internal motion as follows:

IMa clock          =  Ma clockcw           (in words: the Internal Motion IM of a clock is coincidental to the motion of its clockwork Mcw)
The capital letters define the internal motion of a clock; on the left of the equal sign is the clock's whole internal motion IM; on the right is its various motions M breakdown.
The superscript (here: a clock) refers to a specific clock; the subscript (here: cw for clockwork) defines the entity involved in the internal mecanism of that clock.

Then in accordance with Einstein time dilation mathematics, a clock internal motion mechanism (the «time given» by a clock) is altered through its subjacent motion by a measurable amount:

IMa clock         = Ma clockcw         + MAa clocksm         (MAsm is the measurable motion alteration inflicted by the clock subjacent motion)

Now let's get to specifics:
First I consider the reference clock; in the relativity theory this clock does not vary, it is an absolute reference; it is an absolute reference because the time given by the flying clock may be longer but also shorter as compared to it.
The calculations are made taking in account the reference clock own time dilation due to its motion along the daily spin of Earth. That can be done considering the reference clock is moved to Earth's center and knowing the speed of Earth's surface with respect to that center.

Yet even if set at the center of the Earth, the reference clock is still in motion, through its
subjacent motions (§1.9);
Extract of subject §1.9 :
The state of rest and subjacent motions
The hidden motions that are behind the state of rest are labeled subjacent motions in gravimotion.
For an object on earth the successive subjacent motions are listed below starting with the embedded motion #6:
6. Earth’s daily spin on itself.
5. Earth’s yearly revolution around the sun.
4. The motion of our Solar system within our Milky-Way galaxy.
3. The spinning of our galaxy.
2. The overall motion of our galaxy.
1. Finally at the bottom of the stack is the motion, which is the very constitution of the present, also called present mo(ve)ment.
and the internal motion of the reference clock (the «time given» by the reference clock) is altered by its subjacent motions as follows:

IMref    =  Mrefcw  +   MArefsm    (MArefsm  is the motion alteration inflicted on the reference clock by its own subjacent motions)

Even though physicists do certainly have these subjacent motions in the back of their mind too, note that as just mentioned in blue font above, the alteration inflicted by all of Earth's subjacent motions on the reference clock is, for all considerations, not taken in account in physics.
On the other hand the internal motion of the flying clock (the «time given» by the flying clock) is embedded within the plane motion (abbreviated p), in turn embedded within Earth' spin and subjacent motions (sm); the motion of the plane is embedded within Earth's spin and subjacent motions because the plane took off Earth's ground; in the end the plane's motion is made of its proper motion (p) and Earth's spin and subjacent motions (sm).
The internal motion mechanism of the flying clock (the «time given» by the flying clock) reflects now the alterations of all of its subjacent motions as written next:

IMflying          =  Mflyingcw       +   MAflyingp       +   MAflyingsm

In physics the experiment consists in subtracting the time given by the reference clock from the time given by the flying clock.
In gravimotion that amounts at subtracting the internal motion of the reference clock IMref  from the internal motion of the flying clock IMflying.
As you can see both the intrinsic clockwork Mcw and its alteration by its own subjacent motions MAsm, which make the whole of the internal motion of the reference clock, also appear in the internal motion of the flying clock.
As such the comparison of the flying clock with respect to the reference clock (in the theory) is also the comparison of the flying clock with respect to its very own subjacent motions (in reality)!
The alteration of the internal motion of the flying clock is then entirely and exclusively due to its own subjacent motions.
Even though the reference clock is of the essence in Einstein theory, the physical alteration of the internal motion of the flying clock has nothing to do with that reference clock.
And in my opinion that is the reason the relativity theory is not explicit.
The theory based on the appearance of motion, which appearance is relative, renders motion elusive; the theory, while solid as a rock mathematically, doesn't explicitly express the physical interaction that motion inflicts on motion.

To unequivocally distinguish gravimotion's interpretation from the conventional interpretation made of Einstein's mathematics, consider there is no reference clock; «times can no longer» be substracted in the experiments; the mathematical theory cannot be verified experimentally. The flying clock internal mechanism has nevertheless been altered by all of its subjacent motions.

Now let's consider all other cases than «time» dilation that is all cases of motion direct relativity, such as Einstein's onlooker on the embankment looking at the train, an observation in which no additional clock inside the train is involved.
We need only to mentally notice that the motion of the train has the same subjacent motions as the onlooker.
As a consequence the motion of the train, while mathematically relative to the onlooker on the embankment, is actually altered physically by Earth's subjacent motions (shared by the onlooker).
Here is in a nutshell a startling discovery (added Nov 13 2013):
Observation, on which is based the relativity theory, is certainly not the cause of the phenomenon described by the theory.

Besides our human observation of motion, and besides the mathematical theory, is a fundamental phenomenon involving the physical alteration of motion; the phenomenon is not akin to mere traveler/onlooker reciprocal observations as Einstein suggests; the phenomenon is not intuitive; even Einstein's mathematics does not reveal its physical entity, which is:

Subjacent motions and embedded motions within do interact.

Alleged motion relativity, as occurring in time dilation for instance, actually occurs independently of any observation or measure.
And motion rather than "force" is the physical entity that modifies motion!
  1. I am speaking of discovery because, as far as I know, no one has dissected relativity as done above; you will not find that in treatises of physics; it came right out of my imagination; no one told me ever "Someone found this before you"; actually I have been systematically rebuked instead; and (at time of writing) no one ever endorsed the idea that internal motion rather than «time» is altered within a flying clock.
    The point is without considering a clock internal motion mechanism one cannot link the alteration a clock overall motion has on its internal motion.
    Even though either ignored or denied, I feel a profound contentment about such interpretation of physics mathematical «relativity».
  2. Note that the reference clock of the experiment is reinforcing (rather than abolishing) our notion of «universal time».
    On the other hand the definition of speed as a function of «time» (miles or kilometers per «hour») becomes preposterous with Einstein’s theory, in which it is the opposite: «time» becomes a function of speed (time dilation).
    But who cares (besides me) about such anachronisms?
  3. I would not have discovered that gravimotion (which as explained in the next chapters is motion interaction) fits so well science if not for Einstein.
    All my comments about relativity are evidently derived out of Einstein theory. Einstein is the one who discovered time dilation!
    That opens the door to new physics though, in which the «speed» of material particles is liberated from that contingency that is the «speed» of light; no longer mathematically dependent on observations (through light or electromagnetic waves), but only dependent on subjacent motions, mathematical «speed»s could possibly exceed light «speed».
  4. Somehow Einstein discovered and described mathematically a phenomenon, which physical constituency or occurrence was hidden from view. He knew though that something physical was occurring as he explains it in chapters 12 and 13 of his book "Relativity. The Special and the General Theory".
    And that reinforces the admiration one already has toward the intellectual genius of Einstein!
    You can follow the path of Einstein's thoughts from begin to end; he left us a detailed description of his reasoning chapters 3 to 11 of his book.
  5. A major observation about causality must be noted; in gravimotion's interpretation of Nature, cause and effect are united or make one; the cause is over-all motion of the clock, the effect is alteration of the clock internal motion mechanism; not only are cause and effect acting simultaneously on each other, yet also and mainly both cause and effect are of same nature that is motion.
    In physics the cause is "relative speed", the effect is "time" dilation; cause and effect are 2 different animals!
    Uniting cause and effect is integral part of gravimotion's interpretation of Nature. To get at a unified theory, physicists will have to either find something of same nature uniting in all cases cause and effect or consider motion, which does it elegantly.
  6. Note that both relativity and quantum theories, rely on measures made by human.
    Without the observer (the reference clock) there is no relativity theory.
    Quantum theory is even more extreme, in which the measure is of the essence; in the quantum theory a phenomenon remains undetermined until we human measure it!
    This stand reminds me the times when we human thought we were at the center of the world.