1. Motion Occurrence and Illustration
Motion occurs, and motion is self-sufficient (§1.1)
Here is Newton's first law traditionally called the inertia law:
Any object at rest or in uniform motion remains at rest or in uniform motion as long as no force is applied.
The inertia of the object in motion, by tradition, maintains the object in uniform motion; yet inertia, which cannot be measured, and which has never been assigned a unit of measure, is not a physical entity.

Inertia which is fictitious is simply not the cause of uniform motion.
  1. Because it occurs, one cannot deny the occurrence of uniform motion; and because inertia is not it's cause, uniform motion is compelled to occur by itself. The evidence is that in the real world that is outside our minds, yet in strict compliance with physics' first law, uniform motion occurs and is self-sufficient!
    Newton's 1st law mandates that uniform motion is occurring from within itself.
    An occurrence of uniform motion is a live entity, it has internal dynamism.
  2. Because it occurs, a motion's occurrence is a real entity, just as material bodies exist and are physical entities.
In gravimotion Newton's first law is stated as follows: Should no external motion be added or subtracted to any uniform motion the latter will continue indefinitely.
The words rest and force desapeared; in gravimotion the concept of rest is not honored (just as in quantum theory); force is integrated into motion (as explained in Previous page: Introduction); the only real entity is motion.
Uniform motion may continue for ever just as the present moment does; the present moment is infinite (the title of this essay) simply because it renews itself indefinitely.
And that leads to the idea that the present moment actually occurs as a mo(ve)ment or motion, which by the way coincides to science's interpretation of the universe; the universe in science is also in motion (expanding).
All in all we are living in motion and not in "space" nor in "time".
Please note that uniform motion occurrence and its self-sufficiency do not exclude relativity.
According to Einstein, Newton's first law not only says something about the motion of bodies, which something is precisely identified as occuring and self-sufficiency here, but it also defines the reference-bodies or systems of coordinates used in the description of a motion occurence.
In somewhat a different format, which amounts to the same law though, Einstein reinstates Newton's first law as follows: a body of matter, in uniform motion in space far away from any gravitational field, will continue in uniform motion relative to the visible fixed stars of the firmament. At the time Einstein did not know about the expansion of the universe.

Motion occurence and self-sufficiency emphasized here are not in conflict with Einstein mathematics of motion-relativity!
Light is proof that motion performs independently of matter, is self-sufficient and real (§1.2)
Light is pure motion
I have been told: "But motion cannot occur without matter."
Yet think about light, which involves neither matter nor mass, light is moving from our Sun to Earth.
That specific real entity that is light, which only feature and constituent is motion (having no mass), is proof that motion may occur without mass.
Actually... getting to the bottom of it, light is pure motion! Through light, Nature provides us a real (that can be felt) embodiment of motion.
Light's pure motion justifies the assertion made in §1.1.II above, which is motion is a real entity of its own.
And as emphasized in §1.1.I motion, at the image of light rays, is (in gravimotion) not inert but a live entity; light translates itself and so does motion.

You very likely never thought that light is pure motion, along most people by the way.
And you will not find that in treatises of physics either.
Light is not motion in physics science. Actually, light is famous for its duality in science; light is altogether electromagnetic wave (a dynamic field) and particle photon (energy).
Light is definitely not motion in science, even though its speed is absolute, the reality of motion is simply overlooked in science.
Motion relativity
Physics relativity overshadows reality!
Motion relativity rests on the observation of motion through light. And light (in science) can be used as an intermediary to observe the motion of physical bodies precisely because light's motion is absolute and not relative!
  1. When we observe, through light rays or any other electromagnetic waves, the reality of motion, that motion is obviously performing remotely from our eyes or any other apparatus used.
    As such that observation of ours is independent of the reality of motion observed; all in all such observation doesn't provide a hint on the Nature of motion.
    And science is very specific about it. While sitting in a train and looking out the window, Einstein claims that the landscape is moving and not the train, altogether ignoring the reality of the motion of the train.
    In addition, note that that doesn't preclude the fact that the light used for the observation may modify the motion observed as is the case for an electron for instance.
    Conclusion: our observation of motion (science's relativity) doesn't inform us on the Nature of motion.
Motion relativity is a characteristic of our human observation of motion; as such,yet in the spirit of gravimotion, motion relativity as to be the effect of motion reality.
And that doesn't threaten the relativity theory in any way.
Observation of motion and its inherent relativity is as real as the reality of motion!
 prevails in physics.
Physical motion instead prevails in gravimotion.

Because it heats our skin and stimulates our retinas, light is furthermore providing a material (so to speak) consistency to motion reality. Our human retinas and skin are stimulated by pure motion.
Those of us who look at things thanks to light can no longer overlook the reality of motion!
The occurrence of motion is defeated then overthrown in both physics relativity and quantum theories.
  1. In relativity theory motion is said to be relative; the fact is that in relativity theory it is the observation of motion, which is relative; the relativity theory concerns the observation of motion, and is evasive about the reality of motion.
  2. In quantum theory 4 forces are in force and motion is but an ephemeral by product of these forces.
Motion is treated as a second-class citizen in physics.

Motion occurence and self-sufficiency transcend physics intricate theories.
While motion is overlooked by science, gravimotion makes its mark considering motion is a real and live entity.
The motion-occurrence and its model (§1.3)
Rather than existing or being, motion is happening or occurring.
And rather than being the effect of a force (as in science), motion (in gravimotion) occurs from within itself.
An analogy is our own life; your life, which is occurring along time, is also occurring in space through your own physical body; you and I are occurring (right now) from within our own physical body and not through an external force.
The motion occurrence (§1.3.1)
The reality of a specific motion that is its occurrence is simply given the name motion-occurrence or MO.
The characteristic of a MO is that it translates itself, at the image of motion that it represents.
A motion-occurrence is a dynamic volume shaped like an egg, but having no matter, and modeled as in figure 1.3.
The motion-occurrence of an object in motion represents the present animation of the object without representing the matter of the object.
Motion occurrence
Blanking out the MO The MO coinciding to the motion of your eyes
The illustration could be that of the present motion of a car on the highway or at a different scale the present motion of a molecule of the ambient air, yet neither the car nor the air molecule is represented.
Bring your computer's mouse pointer over figure 1.3 and watch the projection on the screen of the motion of your own eyes when reading text.
The continuous line on the right of the illustration represents the leading edge of the motion illustrated; the broken line makes that distinction.

A reader told me he thought a MO represented the trajectory of an electron around the nucleus of an atom. But that is not the case; a MO represents the present motion of an object, or possibly a light ray's motion and not a trajectory.
Besides, a MO occurs during the present moment, and doesn't occur in "space"; and because we are living in motion (§1.1 above) and not in "space", an MO is actually integral part of the present moment, integral meaning that the 2 (present mo(ve)ment and MO) are occurring under the same stuff!

A motion-occurrence is drawn with the characteristics of motion that in gravimotion are given the names thrust, inclination and magnitude detailed next pages.
Evaluation of the motion-occurrence (§1.3.2)
A motion occurrence is expressed in terms of an absolute motion; that is either in terms of light speed or sound speed as both are absolute speeds.
This is already used in science; the "Mach" (an absolute speed) is a number independent of any reference system; a fraction or a multiple of it would represent well gravimotion's motion-occurrence.
Gravimotion is the mirror image of the image that we human currently make of reality (§1.3.3)
By tradition we think that there is space and time, and we also think that bodies of matter and light rays are moving within space and time. Even if these ingredients that are space time forces and matter have tremendously evolved in the minds of physicists, the idea that motion occurs within space and time remains solidly anchored in all of our minds.
In gravimotion by contrast we do not live in "space" but in motion or in the present mo(ve)ments occurring as the present. As such a motion occurrence occurs in a background of motion or present mo(ve)ments and not in "space". Yet there is more! A motion occurence doesn't only occur within the present mo(ve)ments, an MO is actually part of the present moment; conversely the present mo(ve)ment is in part occurring under such MO.
In gravimotion motion replaces both our human concepts of "space" and "time", then should they nevertheless exist, "space" and "time" would be byproducts of motion; "space" and "time" would occur within motion!
Whereas the consensus is that motion occurs in space, in gravimotion space should it exist would be a byproduct of motion.
Gravimotion is the mirror image of the image we commonly make of reality.
A motion occurrence has no position (§1.3.4)
Because a motion occurrence would create, should they exist, "space" and "time", a position, which is defined in "space" and "time" cannot preexist a motion occurrence.
The concept of position is incompatible with the motion occurrence, and is disregarded in gravimotion.
Note that way before gravimotion popped up, the concept of position was already seriously challenged in physics quantum theory.